August 29, 2019

2019 HTPD Conference Abstract Submissions Are Coming Up: What Happened Last Time?

The 5th international conference devoted to high-throughput process development (HTPD) and smart PD, will take place November 4–7, 2019 in Porto, Portugal.   

HTPD 2019 will cover process development spanning upstream through downstream processing for both monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), Ab-like molecules as well as novel biomolecules. Sessions will also include integrated PD and analytics, smart PD, new frontiers in HTPD and a panel discussion. The HTPD conference series is the key international forum for the presentation and discussion of topics relevant to high-throughput process development and other approaches to smart PD for biopharmaceuticals.

Deadline for submission of abstracts for oral considerations is September 6. 

The main topics of the previous high-throughput process development conference were mechanistic modeling and miniaturization. The extended report, available as download, captures 15 of the presentations. Here’s a summary.