Search results for " scale up model" in Posters

Poster Scale-up and process economy calculations of a dAb purification process using ready-to-use products
Purification of a domain antibody (dAb) in a chromatography capture step was successfully scaled from laboratory to pilot scale using ready-to-use equipment and ready-made buffers. The scaled-up pro…

Poster Scaling In-Line Buffer Preparation from Process Development to Manufacturing
Preparing buffers for large-scale chromatography requires significant resources: time, money, and storage space. Inline conditioning (IC) is one possible way to address these challenges. At the same t…

Poster Adenovirus production in a single-use stirring tank bioreactor system
Adenovirus vectors are attractive delivery systems for vaccines and cancer treatment. Scalable and cost-efficient production technologies are needed to enable manufacturing of safe and efficacious c…

Poster Perfusion Media Development for Scalable Processes
Cell culture perfusion processes are considered optimal for a truly integrated continuous biomanufacturing pipeline. The nutrient-rich but balanced media should be designed to support very low cell-sp…

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