This week, the Process Development Forum talks to Dr. Neil Goss, an international consultant in biotechnology and plasma fractionation, past director of Research and Development at CSL BioPlasma, Australia, and co-author of Production of Plasma Proteins for Therapeutic Use.
Plasma fractionation is sometimes considered as a conservative industry and less open to changes. Do you agree?
The plasma fractionation industry has often been regarded as a curiosity or an anachronism of the much larger pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries, but this perception disguises the effect that these essential, lifesaving plasma products have on the healthcare and well-being of a vast number of communities around the world. It is true that the fundamental technology employed by essentially all plasma fractionators is based on methodologies developed by Edwin Cohn and colleagues in the late 1930s and early 1940s, but since that time, substantial improvements in the manufacturing processes have resulted in higher yields, a more diversified product range, and, most importantly, a significantly enhanced viral safety profile. The result of these activities has created a dynamic and robust industry that currently generates in excess of USD $21 billion per year.
What is the status of plasma fractionators, especially in Asia?
You are part of the organization committee for the 3rd BioProcessing Asia Conference, which will take place November 12-15, 2018 on Langkawi, Malaysia, and with a session dedicated to plasma fractionation. What are some specific topics you think will be covered, and what are you looking forward to during that conference and session?
The major purpose in establishing the BioProcessing Asia Conference Series was to create a non-commercial forum for the exchange of concepts, ideas, and information relating to the manufacture of biological products in the Asian region. The inclusion of a specific plasma fractionation session in the Series highlights the importance of this topic within the broader biopharmaceutical field and helps focus attention on the critical areas of quality and safety, which is so important in modern biological manufacture. It is these new quality and safety initiatives, coupled with novel manufacturing approaches, that I look forward to hearing about in the BPA 2018 Conference in Langkawi in November.