Search results for " platform" in Posters

Poster Purification platform challenges and strategies for handling of "tricky" MAbs
In the work presented here, capture using high-capacity protein A medium (resin) was followed by polishing using a novel cation exchange chromatography medium.

Poster Purification of monoclonal antibodies using modern chromatography media and membranes
This white paper is a guide to the development of MAb purification platforms and provides an overview of Cytiva’s offering of process chromatography media (resins) and membranes for MAb purification…

Poster Development of DoE based fed-batch strategies for high-producing CHO cell cultures
Typical standard platform processes rely on fixed-volume bolus feeding of concentrated supplements at regular intervals. However, such static approaches might result in over- or underfeeding. To mimic…

Poster FlexFactory™ Automation
This automation platform is the foundation of the flexible, configurable, and scalable FlexFactory biomanufacturing solution. The FlexFactory biomanufacturing solution can be delivered as either an in…

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